Tree Health Assessment

Professional Tree Assessments, Professional Arborists

Tree Health Assessment Near Me

We offer tree health consultations to discuss concerns related to your tree health or issues going on. A tree health assessment is a service provided by arborists and other tree service professionals to evaluate the health and overall condition of trees or shrubs. If you notice an abnormal amount of insects, foliage disease or structural issues, it might be time to call an arborist to get an assessment of what is going on with your trees.

Having a professional look at the health of your trees is smart because if you have a pest-ridden tree, this can spread to all of the other nearby trees on your property. Or if your tree is large, dying, and has loose or dangling limbs, these could fall on something at any time. If you have any concerns about the health of your trees, contact us today to discuss further. We can arrange a consultation and discuss recommended treatment options.

Assessments are a proactive approach to take, as they are able to identify and prevent potential issues. We make recommendations to improve the overall health of your trees before a problem may become severe. Our tree service professionals are able to identify solutions for your specific tree and area.

We are able to look at the roots, bark, branches, and leaves to give you a breakdown of what may be causing a state of disease with your tree or shrub. We can then recommend any treatments or other practices to enhance the health and lifespan of your trees. This can include pest management, pruning, or improving the health of your soil. 

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What are the signs of a sick tree?

There are a lot of different signs that a tree may be sick or dying, depending on the type of tree and root of the issue. Here are some of the signs that a tree may be sick:

Leaf discoloration: if the leaves of a tree are turning brown, yellow, or black, this could indicate a potential problem. Discolored leaves can be a sign of nutrient deficiencies, pets, diseases, or root sicknesses.

Leaf wilting or drooping: when a tree's leaves start to wilt or curl, it may indicate a lack of water, root damage or other diseases. These symptoms may be more noticeable during heat waves and droughts.

Dead or decaying branches: when branches start to die and show signs of decay, this could indicate pest activity or diseases. Dead branches are usually brittle, lack leaves, or have fungus growing on them.

Bark abnormalities: unusual changes in tree bark like cracking, peeling or splitting can be signs of potential sickness. Healthy tree bark is usually smooth and intact.

Stunted growth: if a tree is not growing as well as neighboring trees or appears smaller, this could be a potential problem. Stunted tree growth can be caused because of nutrient deficiencies, poor soil quality or root damage.

Insect activity: an excessive presences of pests like borers, beetles, aphids, and termites can harm a tree's health and cause major issues. Visible signs of insect infestation include holes in the trunk, sawdust residue, or sticky sap.

Fungus or mushroom growth: mushrooms and fungi growing at the base of tree trunks can sometimes indicate rot or decay internally. Fungal growth is usually a sign of underlying issues with the tree roots or trunk.

Unusual canopy thinning: if the tree's canopy becomes noticeably sparse or thin, this could indicate a problem. A healthy tree's canopy is full, vibrant and lush.

It is important to note these signs can vary depending on the species of the tree and are not always cause for removal. If you suspect your tree is sick, it is advised to consult with our local professional arborists to for an accurate diagnosis and to get appropriate treatment. Reach out to our team of tree service professionals today!

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