
Professional Wood Chipping Services

Wood Chipping

Wood chipping involves processing tree branches and woody debris into mulch. After a tree removal project, something needs to be done with all of the leftover wood. The purpose of wood chipping is to recycle and repurpose tree and yard waste by transforming large branches into small, manageable pieces that can be used in various landscaping or gardening projects. Our wood-chipper often sits in the street during tree removal projects so we can make the cleanup process easy and efficient, making sure to leave your area clean and free of debris.

There are tons of benefits to using wood chips as mulch! Wood chips help control erosion, increase moisture retention, and provide an organic material that helps support plant growth. They make excellent pathways and the foundation of play areas or patios with a natural look and feel. Wood chipping services help reduce the amount of green waste in landfills and gives back to the soil in your own yard. 

Whether you are a homeowner looking to get rid of your yard waste or a commercial property looking for an efficient way to repurpose trees on your grounds,
give us a call today and we can discuss your goals!

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