Pruning & Trimming

Professional Tree Trimming Services

Tree Trimming Near Me

Routine care is an essential part of having healthy trees. As trees grow and get older, it is important to perform routine maintenance to make sure they are growing properly and as healthy as possible. Trimming your trees also helps them grow better and be stronger over time. Regularly trimming your trees ensures better structural integrity, lessening the chances you will lose a major branch or debris in a storm or have a limb fall unexpectedly. Pruning and trimming are similar in that they both involve the systematic removal of tree branches and foliage to improve the overall health and well-being of the tree.

Pruning involves the systematic removal of branches that may be dead, dying, or diseased to improve the health of a tree. Tree pruning services can improve airflow, prevent limbs from falling during a storm. The removal of diseased tree branches help the tree direct its energy and resources towards new growth. Pruning also improves the structural integrity of trees by removing competing branches that will likely break under stress. Pruning of fruit trees helps increase fruit production. 

Tree trimming is the routine process of cutting back smaller branches and foliage to maintain a healthy tree and encourage new growth. Routine trimming can help improve a tree’s general appearance and enhance its overall well-being. Trimming is often done for aesthetic pleasure and helps create a symmetrical and manicured tree. Trimming is generally considered less invasive than pruning, as it typically involves the removal of smaller branches, twigs and leaves that may be obstructing a view, hanging low or interfering with buildings or power lines. 

Tree trimming and tree pruning are involve the same basic princples of cutting back tree branches to improve the look, health and growth of a tree. Our team of tree service professionals are well-versed in the principles of tree trimming and tree pruning, which if done incorrectly, can harm the health of your tree rather than improve. Details regarding the types of tools to use, time of year in which to trim, and where and how to cut are essential to
high-quality tree care. At Greene's, we are highly oriented to these details.

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